Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it...

"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us, for our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world. The lives that you admire, the attitudes that seem noble to you, have not been shaped by a paterfamilias or a schoolmaster, they have sprung from very different beginnings, having been influenced by evil or commonplace that prevailed round them. They represent a struggle and a victory."
  Marcel Proust

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This is just another Love letter to Paris

I have a thing for Paris and with Paris and it is going to last a lifetime. I know this because what she and I have is Love. My sister and I spent the best of the summer days there. That city is a thing of beauty and I fall in Love at every avenue. It is breathtaking and sometimes even that expression is not good enough.

Hemingway was right "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast”

Monday, August 20, 2012

The 'N' Word

Learn how to say “no”.
Cram that word inside your mouth,
the whole thing, make sure all of it
gets in there. Let it walk on your tongue.
Practice with it in the mirror, push it
out, make faces, learn to love the salt
and bitter of it. Teach it to perch on your lip,
buzz, collect pollen from your sugary gloss.
Make it swarm between your cheeks.

 Jeanann Verlee, ‘Swarm

People, help the people.

The young and the talented 

Birdy_People help the People

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The subway Love story.

Today, in the subway I watched the sweetest Love story. I sat next to a Lovely young lady and a boy walked in, he must have been between five and six years old. From the moment he marched into the train he couldn’t take his little brown eyes off my now equally smitten young neighbour. There was a lot of blushing, jumping around, some glances to his father for approval and a few punches to his older brother to show his new found Love his strength. When the family got off he blew her a kiss in a shape of a gun as if to say ‘I’ll be back for you, a few years of this growing business and I will come back for you’. Now I am pretty sure he picked this up from those American movies with badly synched French voice overs on Saturday nights he was up longer than most days. But I hope he holds on to his all his boyish charm, careless determination, purity and chivalry stays with him.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Life is a party | Ibiza, Spain

Life is a party on this Island.
When my friend Busi suggested we go to Ibiza I thought it might be a cliché. I had visions of drug fueled parties and a teenage wasteland and of course it is! but you can choose to be part of it or not. There is a lot more to do on the Island. We found a hidden beach, we had a great time sun baking watching sunsets, eating, walking and listening to music.  If you ever make your way to Ibiza don’t try fit plans into weekend. There is no need; a Monday is as good as a Friday or even better.

You Are

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

From Prague... with Love

A traditional meal from Prague _Duck and Dumplings

I’ve always dreamt of Prague. Eastern Europe has always been a charm -hidden, far and old. I am looking foward to more visits to the east soon.
I desperately avoided looking at any information especially pictures of the city because I wanted to keep it an enigma of sorts. I was not disappointed.  It is as charming and grand. I went with a great friend and Love of mine Jay. We laughed, we saw, we ate, we ate and boy did we eat and we walked, these are all the great essentials of a good city.  I also met with Kris a friend I have been trying to meet and hang out with for years now, the sweetest surprise.