Monday, November 21, 2011


Loneliness / Solitude

“Loneliness is black coffee and late night television; Solitude is herb tea and soft music. Solitude, quality solitude, is an assertion of self - worth, because only in the stillness can we hear the truth of our own unique voices.”

Patrick Cleage 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Grenoble, France


Tom Wesselman 'The bedroom painting'
snow capped Grenoble

On Saturday the 5th of November 2011 i took a class trip to Grenoble. The town is the south east of France. We went out there to see the art at Musee de Gronable. It was breathtaking to say the least, the house art from different centuries through to modern art and contemporary art. The city impressed me the most, its the most glorious combination of city and mountains. Our  French teacher took us to his house for coffee and he lives in what seems like a haven of life, great views and art. 

A way of life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Geneva, Switzerland.

Geneva's charm hits you almost as you enter the city.
It was exciting being at one of the world centers of International Diplomacy
I made an appointment to see the United Nations
almost immediately.
What else stands as the monument of world diplomacy,i had to be there. I  have to admit that UN is not what is should be right now, 
but its potential and existence gives me hope
Hope for a mutual dialog and understanding not as axis of power politics.
Geneva is all things a great city should be,good food,a taste for fine things
and dare i say it

Monday, November 7, 2011

The traveler

I have been taking trains to the most beautiful places, it extends my soul and brings me so much Joy.